Ashtar The Man From Space (1/7)

Here is some informtion about a person who my friend Jeff P. put a Gif on the Net of his picture some time ago. Now for some information about Ashtar................................................................... .........................................................................

In a hidden room dujg out beaneath a five ton boulder located at the end of an airstrip in the middle of the california desert, contactee George Van Tassel bagan to fall into a light trance.

It was back in themid 1950s and flying saucers were still pretty much a novelty ot most Americans, although a few brave Californians - who were begining to embrace what soon became known as the "New Age Movement: were beginning to promote the idea tht not only was it possible to communicate with extraterrestrials, but that contact had been established with other-worldly entities via a process known as "channeling."

A small group gathered in the darkness around the owner of Giant Rock Airport. They had thought that the words of the space being said to speak throgh Mr. Van Tassel might be soft and they would have to listen carefully to hear the philosophical wisdom uttered through Van Tassel's vocal chords from an alien being who had earliler identified himself as Ashtar - Commander in Chief of the Federation of Planets.

Instead of speaking in "hushed tones," the voice that spoke through Van Tassel boomed out and was quite distinct. "We have come in peace and harmoney. We bid you no ill will. Instead, we have arrived upon your cosmic shores to bring you wisdom and enlightenment."

Ashtar and his legion of followers (including Monka and Solar Star, beings said to be under his cirect command) told how they weere circling the Earth in a gigantic spacecraft and were ready to evacuate a good portion of the world's population should if be necessary in case of a global disaster that they predicted might transpire before the year 2000. They repeatedly warned of a possible titling of the Earth's North and south Poles due to underground nuclear testing and added that in the years ahead, there would be a widespread increase in freak weather conditions, and earthquakes and volcanoies due to humankind's tampering with mother nature as well as unseen forces tht should better be left alone.

Communications with the being known as Ashtar became widespread not only throughout the United States, but in parts of Europe and South America as well. Most contacts were established throughthe art of channeling, that more and more individuals were becoming proficient at, while some communications were actually made by HAM radio ooeratores who apparently were able to contct ashtar aboard the huge mothership he claimed to be operating from just outside the atmosphere of Earth.

JW That's all we'll cover for right now.

Part 2.

Source Of Informtion. An article in the magazine called UNSOLVED UFO SIGHTINGS AND OTHER UNEXPLAINED MYSTERIES, SPRING 1995, GCR Printing Group, 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.

Remember: Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.

John Winston.

Original file name: 95.04.01 Ashtar The Man

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